The firld trip to lake Biwa (27th November)

The lake Biwa is the largest lake in Japan located at the middle of Japanese main island and attracts many researchers who are interested in nature and science.

8:00 Departure from the Hotel KKR by bus and drive to the lake Biwa Museum, Kusatsu, Shiga Prefecture.

11:00 -14:00 Enjoy distinctive and vast collections of the Museum and find a time to take your lunch.

14:00- Drive to Biwa-ko-Oh-hashi (A big bridge over the Lake Biwa. Here is a link to introduce the bridge, though only Japanese is available ) and have a look of Lake Biwa. Then we will drive up to Hiei-zan (Mt. Hiei) along Oku-Hiei-driveway (Link is here. Again we are sorry that only Japanese is available) to learn the geomorphological characteristics of the region.

20:00 Drive back to Kanazawa.

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