Discussion for Xi'an meeting

The detail about Xi'an Symposium was discusssed.

Date: Nov. or Dec. 2004 (not before Nov.)
Duration: 3 or 4 days including excursion (not longer 4 days)
Eastern Eurasian environmental processes in past, present and future
Environmental evolution processes in East Eurasia and our future
(Focus on not only science but also environmental, ecological and social significances to obtain the funding)
Topics (depending on continuity of this workshop): Should be discussed further on.
Major participant country: Japan, Mongolia, Russia, Korea, USA, Germany and China (should be include other Asian countries)
Do our best to obtain own funding

Number of expected participants.
Japan 20-30
Russia 10
Mongolia 5
Korea 5-10
Europe and USA 10
China 30
Other Asia <10

First circular: Call for contribution to all countries. Distribute at the end of January. Fix the date, fee and some of deadline and include these imformation.
Before second circular: Discuss about participants and fee except for registration
Results of the workshop should be published to some of Journal
Potentially, Paleolimnology, Quaternary International and so on
Presentation styles: Key note speakers from different research area, age, region and topics are necessary for 1 day or half day
Abstract (proceeding) :CD abstract (proceeding) would be distributed at the Xian workshop

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