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1, Nishiji, K., K. Kashiwaya, Y. Tsuya (Kanazawa Univ.), M.Kunika and K. Muroi (Tateyama Caldera Sabo Museum)
A Study on Short-Term Changes in Hydro-Geomorphologic Environment Based on Catchment and Pond Sediment Information
2, Kashiwaya,K., T. Fujie and Y. Tsuya (Kanazawa Univ.)
An analysis of erosional environment in the Rokko Mountains based on pond sediment and surrounding catchment information
3, Sakaguchi A., M. Yamamoto, K. Ishikawa, K. Kashiwaya (Kanazawa Univ.), Y. Ohtsuka (Instit. Environ. Sci.), and K. Yokota (LBRI)
Uranium and Thorium Characteristics of Sediment from Lake Biwa ミ an attempt to evaluate environmental changes
4, Sakai, T. (Tohoku Univ.)
Rock weathering and soil formation in the Baikal drainage basin responsible for global climate fluctuations during the last 7 Ma
5, Inouchi, Y. (Ehime Univ.), A. Urabe, M. Tateishi (Niigata Univ.), H. Matsuoka (Kowa Consulting), T. Inoue (Ehime Univ.), A. Dmytriev (Irkutsk State Tech. Univ.) and O. M. Khlystov (LI, SB RAS)
Lake levelchanges during the past past 100,000 years in the Lake Baikal, Southwest Siberia
6, Hase, Y., T. Maki, S. Kato (Kumamoto Univ.), K. Kawamuro, K. Shichi (MFF), N. Miyoshi, H. Kataoka (Okayama Univ. Sci.), T. Oda (Nagoya Univ.), H. Takahara (Kyoto Pref. Univ.) and K.Minoura (Tohoku Univ.)
Significant vegetation changes and extinction of mainly broad-leaved genera from the Baikal region - based on pollen analysis of the BDP96-1 and BDP98-2 cores from Lake Baikal, Russia
7, Umeda, H., Y. Hase (Kumamoto Univ.), N. Miyoshi, H. Kataoka (Okayama Univ. Sci.), H. Takahara (Kyoto Pref. Univ.), K. Horiuchi (Hirosaki Univ.), T. Nakamura and T. Oda (Nagoya Univ.)
Vegetation change of Lake Baikal, Russia and Lake Hovsgol, Mongolia area since Last Glacial - the pollen analysis of BDP99 and X106 -
8, Watanabe, T., H. Naraoka (Tokyo Met. Univ.), M. Nishimura (Tokai Univ.), and T. Kawai (Nagoya Univ.)
Stable sulfur isotope composition of sedimentary pyrite from Lake Baikal
9, Iwamoto, N. and Y. Inouch
Paleoclimatic changes during the last 10 million years around Lake Baikal based on the density measurement of sediments
10, Kawaguchi, M. (Ehime Univ.)
Paleoclimatic changes based on the density measurement of sediments near Posolskaya bank in Lake Baikal during the past 450000 years
11, Yefimova I. M. and V. D. Mats (LI, SB RAS)
Baikal Terraces as the Indicators of the Lakeユs Paleolevels
12, Kerber, E. V. (IG, SB RAS)
Testing of age models of BDP-98 based on orbital periodicity
13, Mats V. D. (LI, SB RAS), G.A. Vorobiova (Irkutsk State Univ.) and L.Z. Granina (LI, SB RAS)
Evolution of composition of the Cenozoic deposits of Baikal depression in connection with changes of the Nature in time and space
14, Sakai, H. (Toyama Univ.) and M. Horii (Toyama Med. Pharm. Univ.)
Study of magnetic susceptibility as the paleoclimatic indicator - Lake Baikal sediment -
15, Machida, N., K. Kashiwaya, (Kanazawa Univ.) and T. Kawai (Nagoya Univ.)
A Study on Climato-hydrological Fluctuations Inferred from Lake Baikal Sediments near the Selenga Delta
16, Takamatsu, N., T. Murakami (Toho Univ.), G. I. Matsumoto (Otsuma Women's Univ.), K. Horiuchi (Hirosaki Univ.) and T. Kawai (Nagoya Univ.)
Environmental Changes in East Asia after the Last Glacial Maximum Deduced from Chemical Elements in the X106 Sediment Core from Lake Khubsugul, Mongolia
17, Hayashi, T., H. Sakai (Kyushu Univ.) and Y. Tanimura (Nat. Sci. Museum)
Reconstruction of environmental changes in the Paleo-Kathmandu Lake on the southern slope of the central Himalaya by means of fossil-diatom
18, Fujii, R. (Okayama Univ. Sci.), H. Sakai, M. Takeshi (Kyushu Univ.), M. Uchida (JAMSTEC), H. Sakai and W. Yahagi (Toyama Univ.)
Reconstruction of monsoonal climatic changes in the Paleo-Kathmandu Lake on the southern slope of the Central Himalaya by Palynological Study
19, Nara, F., H. Naraoka, T. Watanabe (Tokyo Met. Univ.), Y. Soma, M. Soma (Univ. Shizuoka), K. Horiuchi (Hirosaki Univ.) and T. Kawai (Nagoya Univ.)
Biogeochemical indicators in Lake Hovsgol sediment: A preliminary result for paleoclimate reconstructions
20, Honda, M. (JAMSTEC), S. Yabuki (IPCR), K. Suzuki (JAMSTEC), Wei Ye (Zhejiang Normal Univ.) and Y. Tatsumi (JAMSTEC)
Fluctuation of Re-Os isotopic system in loess-paleosol sequences from the Yili Basin, NW China: Implications for osmium isotope records of loess-paleosol sequences
21, Saitoh, E. and Y. Inouchi (Ehime Univ.)
Studies on Environmental changes during the last 140,000 years based on grain size fluctuation of the Takashima-oki Drilling samples, Lake Biwa, Central Japan
22, Tomurhuu, D. (IGMR, MAS)
The characteristics of the uppermost sediments of Lake Hovsgol: its implication to the paleoenvironmental changes
23, Kashiwaya, K., T. Tsukamoto, R. Hiromori (Kanazawa Univ.) and T. Kawai (Nagoya Univ.)
A study on environmental changes inferred from lake bottom sediments of Lake Hovsgol in Mongol
24, Ishikawa, K., K. Kashiwaya (Kanazawa Univ.) and A. Yamamoto (Osaka Electro-Com. Univ.)
Climato-Limnological Changes Inferred From Long Core Sediments of Lake Biwa, Japan
25, Tamamura, S., X. Wang, Y. Ota, T. Sato, N. Tang and K. Hayakawa (Kanazawa Univ.)
Adsorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons onto the components of Kosa aerosols and their stabilities
26, Wang, X. T. Sato (Kanazawa Univ.), B. Xing (Univ. Massachusetts) and S. Tamamura (Kanazawa Univ.)
Identification of anthropogenic emission sources for trace metal associated airborne particles from Kanazawa, Japan
27, Anatoly Mistryukov and Sergey Krivonogov (UIGGM SB RAS)
Landforms after the Altai earthquake of September 27 2003

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