平成20年度 長谷部のりのりゼミ 


平成18年度のゼミ 平成19年度のゼミ    


12月17日 伊藤健太郎 Badalian et al., An international research project on Armenian archaeological sites: fission-track dating of osidians
12月10日 伊藤一充 Gonzalez et al., Assessment of the precision and accuracy of thorium (232Th) and uranium (238U) measured by quadrupole based inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry using liquid nebulization, nanosecond and femtosecond laser ablation
12月3日 Sherif Masour Wagner and van den Haute, Fission track dating, section 3
11月10日 稲垣亜矢子 Hashimoto et al., Emission properties of thermoluminescene from natural quarts -Blue and red TL response to absorbed dose
10月27日 山田浩史 Puspoki et al., Eustatic and Tectonic/Volcanic Control in Sedimentary Bentonite Formation - A Case Study of Miocene Bentonite Deposits from the Pannonian Basin
10月17日 宮本光 Garrison, et al., Source versus differentiation controls on U-series disequilibria: Insights from Cotopaxi Volcano, Ecuador
7月14日 荒田孔明 Pan et al., Thermo-tectonic evolution of an Archean accretionary complex: U-Pb geochronological constraints on granulites from the Quentico Subprovince, Ontario, Canada
7月4日 伊藤健太郎 Wadatsumi and Masumoto, Three dimensional measurement of fission-tracks: principles and and example in zircon from the fish canyon tuff
6月30日 Sherif Masour

Wagner and van den Haute, Fission track dating, section 2

6月27日 伊藤一充 ITLについて(論文6編の紹介)
6月16日 山田浩史 Naish et al., Evolution of Holocene sedimentary bentonite in a shallow-marine embayment, Firth of Thames, New Zealand

6月13日 稲垣亜矢子

Hashimoto et al., Thermoluminescence (TL) spectra from quartz grains using on-line TL spectrometric system
6月9日 宮本光 Heath et al., Long magma residence times at an island arc volcano (Soufriere, St. VIncent) in the Lesser Antilles: evidence from 238U-230Th isochron dating
6月2日 Sherif Masour Wagner and van den Haute, Fission track dating, section 1
5月30日 伊藤一充 Zimmerman, Thermoluminescent dating using fine grains from pottery
5月23日 荒田孔明 Matsumura, et al., Depth of ocanic-crust underplating in a subduction zone: Inferences from fluid-inclusion analysis of crack-seal veins
5月19日 伊藤健太郎 New glass fission-track ages of Middle Pleistocene tephras on Yakushima Island, southern Japan
5月12日 山田浩史 Gleadow et al., Fission track length in the apatite annealing zone and the interpretation of mixed ages
5月9日 稲垣亜矢子 Hashimoto et al., Color images of infrared stimulated luminescence (IRSL) from granite slices exposed to radiations
5月2日 宮本光 Lowenstern et al., U-Th dating of single zircons from young granitoid xenoliths: new tools for understanding volcanic processes
4月28日 荒田孔明 Wendt et al., Experimental evidence for the pressure dependence of fission track annealing in apatite
4月18日 伊藤健太郎 Bigazzi et al., Appliaction of fission track dating to archaeometry: Provenance studies of prehistoric obsidian artifacts
4月14日 伊藤一充 Nathan and Mauz, On the dose-rate estimate of cabonate-rich sediments for trapped charge dating