ETL(MIN)2(ETLM INTERFACE for Visual MINTEQ)はフリーソフトウェアであるVisual MINTEQ 3.1(Gustafsson, 2019)を用いて表面錯体モデルのサブモデルであるExtended Triple Layer Model(ETLM)を利用するためのINTERFACEプログラムです.ETL(MIN)2は,ETLMによる吸着反応の解析,およびETLMに基づく吸着シミュレーションを容易にします.
Visual MINTEQでETLMを利用するためには,ETLMの平衡定数計算を反映した専用の表面錯体反応データベース,Extended Debye-Hückel式に対応したComponentデータベースおよびThermodynamicデータベース,Visual MINTEQのためのINPUT ファイルを生成する必要があります.ETL(MIN)2は簡単なEXCELスプレッドシートを用いたパラメータ入力とボタン操作のみでこれらの生成と実行を可能にします. ETL(MIN)2にはまたETLMに必要な多くのパラメータがデータベースとして収録されています.


ETL(MIN)2 (ETLM INTERFACE for Visual MINTEQ) is a program to support the Extended Triple Layer Model (ETLM) within the free software Visual MINTEQ 3.1 (Gustafsson, 2019). ETLM is a sub-model of the surface complexation models and was developed by D.A. Sverjensky (The Johns Hopkins University) and co-workers. ETL(MIN)2 is a user-friendly program to perform ETLM for quantitative descriptions and predictions of adsorption of dissolved major and trace elements on mineral surfaces.
The Visual MINTEQ program requires the equilibrium constants of surface complexation and aqueous reactions, as well as the solution condition input file to conduct ETLM. ETL(MIN)2 enables the generation of these dataset files and input files via simple operations in EXCEL spreadsheets. In addition, ETL(MIN)2 contains databases required for specific ETLM calculations for numerous adsorbates over a wide range of oxides from previous studies.
Download of ETL(MIN)2 is available from follwoing link:

On the middle of the webpage, there is a drop-down list to select language. After choosing “English”, you can see the link of “User interface for surface complexation modeling”.

Financial support was provided to KF by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) (no. JP17H06458) and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) (no. JP15K21019). This development of ETL(MIN)2 was performed with Shigeyori Kosugi (Hokkaido University) under the cooperative research program of the Institute of Nature and Environmental Technology, Kanazawa University (no. 18042).