Hotels, Travel & Venue


Details about lodging, costs, and reservations will follow.


Here is the trip guide to Kanazawa and is available from the following link: the details of the trip to Kanazawa.

Travel to Kanazawa from major international airports:

Komatsu Airport is the entrance to Kanazawa by air.
It is 40-60 min bus ride from Komatsu Airport to JR (Japan Railway) Kanazawa Station. A one-way ticket is ¥1,040 (stopping every station) to ¥1,100 (Super express bus) for one way trip. From JR Kanazawa to Kanazawa university, it takes approximately 45 min by bus and 20 min by taxi.

Flight to and from Komatsu Airport:

There are several ways from domestic airports to Komatsu Airport, among which Haneda (Tokyo) Airport (HND) is the most convenient. We have frequent flights between Komatsu and Haneda almost every hour. However, the number of international flight from and to Haneda Airport is very limited, so that you need to fly to either (Osaka-)Kansai International Airport (KIX) or (Tokyo-)Narita International Airport (NRT) and then move to Haneda. You may fly from Kansai International Airport to Komatsu via Haneda Airport. Japan Airline (JAL) operates 7 flights/day between KIX and Haneda. From Narita to Haneda Airport, you have to take either bus or train.
We also have flights between Komatsu and Narita, Shanghai-Pudong, and Seoul-Incheon International Airports, but these are less frequent. You may be able to find a convenient flight to Narita, Shanghai-Pudong and Seoul-Incheon from major airports in Europe and US. Time schedule for these flights are as follows (in Jan 2010):

Narita International Airport:

Shanghai-Pudong International Airport:

Seoul-Incheon International Airport

From Narita International Airport to Haneda Airport:

Haneda Airport is located close to the center of Tokyo, and is the major hub terminal to domestic airports. From Narita to Haneda Airport, it takes approximately 90 min either by train or by bus (depending on the traffic).

Using railways to Kanazawa from (Osaka-)Kansai International Airport:

If you can’t find an appropriate flight which connects the above flight to Komatsu, you may fly to (Osaka-)Kansai International Airport (KIX) and take JR (Japan Railway) to Kanazawa. It costs ¥10,150 and takes 4 hr by a limited express train from the airport to JR Kanazawa Station. You need to transfer at either Shin-Osaka or Kyoto Station on the way.
You may use the following
cards when you purchase train tickets. Print out these cards to show at a ticket booth of JR. You should be careful about the time when you transfer trains. You would have enough time to transfer trains when you come to Kanazawa, but you may have very short transfer time at Kyoto Station on the way back to Kansai International Airport from Kanazawa. When you purchase a ticket, be sure to check the time you have at the transfer station. If you have only several minutes for transferring trains, you may have better to change your seat for the next train (but it would come an hour later). Please consult at a ticket booth (Look for green sign) in a JR station.

Ticket booth of JR express trains has a green sign as shown below:

Ticket booth at Kansai Airport

Click here for the cards to show at a ticket booth.