Akira ISHIWATARI's Home Page

Professor of Geology and Petrology
Department of Earth Sciences,
Faculty of Science, Kanazawa University,
Kakuma-machi, Kanazawa City, 920-1192 JAPAN



Tel & Fax: +81(Japan)-76-264-6522, Dept. Office: -6513 (Fax: -6545)
(Office: Graduate School of Science and Technology, Building 2, Room 2B-314, since 17 Mar. 2005)

Japanese-Russian Ophiolite Symposium (Mar. 4, 2006; ORI, Univ. Tokyo)

Island Arc's Virtual Special Issue on Ophiolite (Editors: Y. Dilek et al.) (Oct. 2006)

Simon Wallis and I are Editors-in-Chief of "Island Arc", the official English journal of the Geological Society of Japan, published by Blackwell Publishing, Australia. We welcome submission of your paper to our international journal (2005 Impact Factor: 1.17).

After completing two terms of two years (four years in total), Simon Wallis and I retired from the Editors-in-Chief of Island Arc on 31 Dec. 2007. We thank your support for the journal during this period. New Editors-in-Chief are Profs. Hirokazu MAEKAWA and Yasufumi IRYU.

Old (left) and new (right; from Vol. 15, Issue 1, 2006) front covers of our journal Island Arc, which provides a forum of high-quality communications for earth sciences of convergent plate margins and related topics.

Associate Editor of the Geological Society of America Bulletin
 (since Nov. 2006)

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Morimoto Active Fault in Kanazawa City]
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Hard Plastic Plate On Sale!
Neagari Meteorite Fall on 18 February 1995]
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Dr. K. Niida (Hokkaido U).] [Prof. M. Enami (Nagoya U.)]
Prof. T. Itaya (Okayama U. Sci.)]

Established 99/02/02, Revised 08/02/10

Moved from the "kgeopp6" server (retired) to the "earth" server on Jun. 20, 2003.